Sunday, October 28, 2012

Faithful Sunday's: Godly Resources

Godly Resources

The following are some of my personal resources I use when I'm not at my home fellowship.  I hope these help bring you closer to God.  If you have any suggestions to add, please comment and I will check them out.

I get no money from any of these links.  These are just some resources that I personally use or in the section at the end, that other people have suggested.  Please comment with any suggestions to add to this list.

*Please screen everything before giving to children or young adults*

Favorite Godly Websites
Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyers
Marriage Today with Jimmy & Karen Evans
Spirit & Truth Fellowship
Truth or Tradition
Women Living Well

Favorite Godly Movies
Facing the Giants
Mary, Mother of Jesus
Marriage Retreat
One Night with the King
WWJD: The Woodcarver
Island of Grace (can't find the imdb link but it is on netflix)

Favorite Godly YouTube Channels
Truth or Tradition
Gateway Church TV

Favorite Godly Books/Devotionals/Studies
The Bible, King James Version
Happy, Happy Love
A New Way of Living
One Devotional
Love Out Loud
The Resolution for Women (based on the Courageous Movie)
The Resolution for Men (based on the Courageous Movie)
The Love Dare (based on the Fireproof Movie)
The Probverbs 31 Woman

Favorite Godly Magazines
Enjoying Everyday Life (Free subscription link near bottom right)
The Sower (Online only magazine but you can download and print)

Favorite Godly Music
Pandora Christian Rock Station
Chris Tomlin

Favorite TV Shows (I watch these on TV but can also be viewed online)
Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyers
Marriage Today with Jimmy & Karen Evans
The Blessed Life with Pastor Robert Morris
Reflections on DayStar

Favorite Software/Android Apps
E-Sword (free bible software for your computer)
Bible (YouVersion)
1000 Gifts

Others Suggested Material (I have not had a chance to check these out)
When Bad Things Happen to Good People
Conversations with God
Ninety Minutes in Heaven
The Shack

If you are a faithful cyster, you can join our Power Up for PCOS Faithful Cysters group:

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and will continue to read along.  Please comment below if you enjoyed this post.

Written by: Beth Wolf, founder of Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  She can be reached by visiting, emailing or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)

Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS

*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.* 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

TTC Thursdays

Today is 25 days on Pregnitude.  I have almost finished my first month on it.  I am still noticing the facial hair on my chin is growing in blond, so you can barely see it.  I have still been plucking it though.  The hair in other places is still dark, but that may change as I'm on the Pregnitude longer.  My weight is now exactly the same as when I started, so no real measurable weight changes.  

Now on to TTC, as of Cycle Day 24, I still have not ovulated.  That has been very hard for my husband & I.  Although, I know it takes 3-6 months to see the full benefits of the Pregnitude, I was really hoping we would ovulate the first month.  The thought of knowing it is impossible to conceive this month and still having to wait it out not knowing how long it will be before I get another period and another chance to try for ovulation is extremely painful.  I want to stay hopeful, but I'm really struggling knowing I just lost another month TTC without even the hope of becoming pregnant.  The hope during the 2 weeks waiting is when I feel the most positive all month, so losing that hope this month is going to be really hard.  For me, since I don't ovulate on my own, getting a positive ovulation with Clomid has been almost as exciting as waiting for a positive pregnancy test.  I can't wait to get a positive ovulation in the future from Pregnitude and I really can't wait to hopefully someday get a positive pregnancy test!

*Disclaimer: Please note that Pregnitude is an official sponsor of Power Up for PCOS 5K.  However, the individual listed below is not affiliated with Pregnitude or a volunteer for Power Up for PCOS.  Power Up for PCOS posted a request for someone starting Pregnitude to blog their personal experiences for the Power Up for PCOS blog.  This should not be construed as medical advice.  Please see your doctor for further information.* 
Written by: Lauren Williams
Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS and their families through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  She can be reached by visiting, emailing or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)
Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS
*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.*

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Faithful Sunday's Religion or Relationship?

Do you want a Religion or a Relationship?

I'm sure you've heard the saying that God didn't want us to have a religion, He wanted a relationship with us.  Man made beliefs into religion and made it so we spend more time arguing over beliefs instead of loving God and His people.

My view, there are too many religions out there and it can be confusing.  People sometimes focus on a religion instead of a relationship with God.  Most times, their religion involves a Sunday only practice of going to church or fellowship and that's where it ends.  Whether you are a new believer, have an interest in learning more about God, or regularly attend church/fellowship, make sure you don't leave your faith at the door when you leave.  It's more than just Sunday mornings.  It's a 24/7 relationship.  God doesn't go away, He is always there waiting to talk to us, be with us and share with us, like a good friend that you have known all your life.  He wants to be everything for you and with you.  To show you love, support, kindness, grace, mercy, comfort and so much more.  "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

But I'm not perfect...

God doesn't ask for perfection.  You just have to talk to him and have a relationship with him.  God sees all of us as perfect.  He created us.  I heard on a Joyce Meyers seminar one time, God doesn't make any junk.  It's true.  You are perfect just as you are.  You may be skinny, overweight, tall, short, moody, happy, or what ever.  It does not change anything.  I like the verse from Jeremiah 1:5, "I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations."

What religion should I choose...
Because of all the religions out there,it can be confusing for people that have a sincere interest in learning about God.  They may have an interest but not know what church to go to or what faith to choose.  They may not know how to tell the difference if what their hearing is accurate.  I found this really good chart on Religion vs. Relationship to start us off.  This is my take on religion.  I totally believe that it is better to have a relationship with God.  As far as accuracy, I found a few verses: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15  "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." II Timothy 3:16

Which leads me to my point.  I am a believer and I do not practice any religion.  What does that mean, you ask.  I believe that God exists and that He is the author of the great book called the Bible.  Not all the other versions out there that are interpreting it into their own views.  I believe in the King James Version of the Bible. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and he came to earth and died so that our sins are forgiven and we are now saved, if we believe that.  

As a woman of God, I will love you because God has instructed me and all of us to love one another as He has loved us.  "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12

Where do I start...
1.  Pray to God and thank him for putting this on your heart.  God is perfect with his timing and you may have seen this post for just that reason.  God speaks to us in many ways.  It can be a spontaneous thought, feeling, vision, impression or even through the right person calling at the right time.  He will use anyway He can to get the message to you.  You just have to listen for it.  

2. Get a Bible.  You can get a fancy one or you can get a dollar store one.  It's not about how it looks.  It's the words inside it that matter.  Some people write and highlight in their Bibles and some think it's wrong.  Google that and you will see some awesome results.  I believe that God wants us to understand and learn from the Bible so it has been given to us as a tool to use for that purpose.  He doesn't care if you write in it or highlight.  It is helping you to learn.  

3. Find places to start learning about God.  This can be a church, home fellowship, friend, family member, website, TV, book, movies or a million different ways out there.  I have a link here to my personal blog where you can see a complete list of my favorite resources.

If you are a faithful cyster, you can join our Power Up for PCOS Faithful Cysters group:

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and will continue to read along.  Please comment below if you enjoyed this post.

Written by: Beth Wolf, founder of Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  She can be reached by visiting, emailing or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)

Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS

*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.* 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

TTC Thursdays

It has now been 18 days on Pregnitude!  Here is what I have noticed so far.  My facial hair has been growing in much slower and it even grew in blond instead of dark brown and it felt soft instead of coarse.  I have gained 1.5 pounds but I haven't been doing the exercising enough, so my goal for this week is to get back into my walking routine.  I have had only 1 episode of loose stool.  I did however, have headaches 2 nights in a row, I used to get migraines on Clomid, so I will settle for only headaches.
Now for the ovulating, as of Cycle Day 17, I still have not ovulated based on the OPK's I have been using.  I am however starting to get signs that ovulation is coming, for example, my face breaks out in acne around ovulation and my period and I am starting to break out with some acne, so I am hoping that ovulation is in my near future.  Based on when I have ovulated on Clomid, it is usually between Cycle Day 18-24, so I am hoping to ovulate within the next week.   Even though this is only my first month on Pregnitude, I am desperately hoping to ovulate this month, as we don't want to lose a month TTC.
On a more somber note, I thought it would be appropriate to mention that October is National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month.  I find this important to mention as I have read that PCOS has a higher miscarriage rate than the general population, so many of us may have experienced this devastating loss.  I also know it can be really scary to TTC again after the loss of a baby.  This past Monday October 15th was National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Day.  Every year on October 15th, we light a candle from 7pm-8pm in our time zone in memory of all babies gone too soon to create a wave of light across the world.  I lit a candle in memory of my son Colin, who was stillborn, and all his angel friends and family.  We remember all babies no matter how short their time on earth was.
*Disclaimer: Please note that Pregnitude is an official sponsor of Power Up for PCOS 5K.  However, the individual listed below is not affiliated with Pregnitude or a volunteer for Power Up for PCOS.  Power Up for PCOS posted a request for someone starting Pregnitude to blog their personal experiences for the Power Up for PCOS blog.  This should not be construed as medical advice.  Please see your doctor for further information.* 
Written by: Lauren Williams
Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS and their families through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  She can be reached by visiting, emailing or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)
Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS
*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.*

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wellness Wednesdays: Snacking For Your Health

Last week I posted about the importance of breakfast and listed some healthier ideas for you to try for your morning meals.  

This week, I wanted to share with you some snack ideas to help keep your blood sugar balanced throughout the day and curb those nasty cravings for sugar-laden treats.  I personally eat every 2 to 3 hours, so a snack a couple hours after breakfast and a couple hours after lunch.  Since I work full time, I need to make sure that my snacks are easy to take with me and grab when I'm running out the door in the morning.  

Fruits and veggies are always a good pick as they can get you fuller faster and they are chocked full of essential vitamins and minerals.  Here's a few of my favorite veggie snacks that are easy to enjoy at your desk or at home:
  • Celery w/ organic peanut butter and 2 or 3 whole almonds (i like to take a veggie peeler to the celery stalks to remove those pesky strings)
  • Carrot sticks (this is a great way to use up a bag of carrots you bought for a meal, but didn't use all of them)
  • Apples and peanut butter (be sure to get organic apples!)
  • Veggies and Hummus (I like carrots, celery and cucumbers)
  • Kale Chips (link to recipe)

Besides fruits and veggies, there are tons of other tasty snacks you can indulge in. Here's a few:
  • Belvita breakfast biscuits (minimally processed, no preservatives, slow carb release and FILLING, comes in 4 flavors, great for trips where you don't have a fridge or cooler)
  • Homemade granola bars
  • Healthy trail mix (I like getting this in bulk at Fred Meyer with a good mix of nuts and seeds and some raisins)
  • A couple crackers with Laughing Cow cheese
  • Nitrate-free deli meat, maybe with some cheese
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Plain yogurt with your favorite flavors added in (I like to put in vanilla and cinnamon, or even pumpkin pie spice!)
  • Black beans and salsa warmed up in a small whole wheat tortilla

What are some of your favorite snack ideas?  I would love to hear them!!

Written by: Crystal Warren, Representative for Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  To find our more, visit, email or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)
Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS
*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.*

Thursday, October 11, 2012

TTC Thursdays

I have been on Pregnitude now for 11 days!  Unfortunately, I have also been sick for most of those 11 days so it is hard for me to judge possible symptom relief like getting more energy since I've had no energy being sick.  I had diarrhea 3 times but not sure if that was my body adjusting to the Pregnitude or my illness.  Now that I'm feeling better, I look forward to seeing if my energy increases with the Pregnitude.  The benefit I am most hoping to receive from the Pregnitude is the ability to ovulate a healthy egg on my own without medication & then hopefully conceive a baby.  That alone would make Pregnitude awesome & miraculous!  Some of the other benefits I am hoping to see are weight loss, less facial, chest & stomach hair, increased energy, regular periods, less acne, an improvement in my anxiety & depression & for my hormones to go into a normal range.  Even though I am hoping to receive many benefits, honestly, I think Pregnitude would be worth it even if only one of those things gets better for me.

So we are on Cycle Day 11 today.  I started testing with an Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) on Day 8.  So far I have not ovulated but it is still really early & I tend to ovulate late even on Clomid, but I wanted to start testing early to make sure I don't miss a possible ovulation.  Through our infertility journey, we have heard that it is good to start TTC early in case the OPK's are wrong; we usually start around Day 10 (and TTC every other day until I ovulate, then we TTC  every day for the next 3 days, nothing says romance like a schedule :) ) but you can start earlier if you like too.  We figure it's better to cover a wide range just to be safe.  In the past, when I have taken Clomid, I have usually ovulated between Day 18-24, so it will be interesting to see what happens on the Pregnitude this month.   Now that you know way more information than you ever wanted to know about my personal life...

My biggest fear taking the Pregnitude is if I will ovulate and how long it will take for me to start ovulating, since it takes 3-6 months to see the full effects.  I now know when I take Clomid, that I will ovulate and at least have a chance at conceiving those months.  The thought of not ovulating this month and losing a month TTC is what scares me the most right now, especially as we've been trying for 8 years 5 months, and trying 20 months since the loss of our son, each month is so precious.  On the positive side, what gets me through is knowing I won't have all the Clomid side effects this month, like 48 hour migraines and the risk of cancer with use of Clomid.  I feel hopeful that with taking Pregnitude that it will work for me with less side effects plus it may even help my other PCOS symptoms and that gives me lots of hope which outweighs the fear.
*Disclaimer: Please note that Pregnitude is an official sponsor of Power Up for PCOS 5K.  However, the individual listed below is not affiliated with Pregnitude or a volunteer for Power Up for PCOS.  Power Up for PCOS posted a request for someone starting Pregnitude to blog their personal experiences for the Power Up for PCOS blog.  This should not be construed as medical advice.  Please see your doctor for further information.* 
Written by: Lauren Williams
Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS and their families through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  She can be reached by visiting, emailing or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)
Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS
*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.* 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wellness Wednesdays: Healthier Breakfast Alternatives

All of you have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but if you are like many it is the easiest one to skip over.  I used to eat cereal for breakfast or nothing at all.  The thought of eggs in the morning disgusted me!  Breakfast meals were reserved for weekends as a special treat since I wasn't rushing to get ready for work.  Now I get up a half-hour earlier to whip up something quick and easy, plus I get some extra time with my hubby first thing in the morning.

I would like to challenge you to try working breakfast into your mornings. When eating breakfast within 2 hours of waking up, you will give your body the energy it needs to get your mind and your metabolism on the right foot.  Here's some healthy breakfast recipes that have helped me make breakfast one of my favorite meals.

Banana Almond Butter Pancakes (Paleo Pancakes)

  • 1 Tbsp almond butter
  • 1 mashed banana
  • 1 egg
  • Coconut oil
  • Applesauce
Combine ingredients until smooth.  Heat skillet on low heat, add coconut oil (or other preferred oil).  Add batter and cook pancakes until bubbly, then flip.  These will burn easily, so keep your eye on them!  Serve with butter and applesauce.  

Cinnamon Roll Oatmeal 

This recipe is modified from "Eat What You Love" by Marlene Koch.  I whip this up for a quick warm breakfast, or if I don't have time to eat it I put it all in a tupperware and warm it up at work.

  • 1/2 cup rolled oatmeal
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 packet of Stevia
  • dash of salt (optional)
  • Raisins or chopped walnuts (optional)
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and heat in microwave for 2 - 3 minutes.  

Quinoa Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Bowl

  • 1/4 cup Quinoa
  • 1/4 Tbsp Butter
  • 1/2 Apple, chopped
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 1/8 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
  • 1/16th cup of Milk
  1. Soak the Quinoa for 5 minutes
  2. Melt 1/2 the butter in a pan, add the apples and cook for about 5 - 10 minutes
  3. Rinse Quinoa.  Cook with water on medium-high heat, boil for 1 minute. Reduce to low, cover an dsimmer for 10 minutes.  Remove from heat and fluff with fork.
  4. Add cinnamon, remaining butter, sugar (or stevia) and milk.

Wholesome Blueberry Pancakes

This recipe is also from "Eat What You Love" by Marlene Koch.  My husband LOVES this recipe and prefers it over regular pancakes.  I like using applesauce in place of syrup to reduce the amount of sugar in the morning.

  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup white whole wheat flor
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 5 packets stevia
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
  • 2 large eggs, well beaten
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  1. In medium bowl mix together dry ingredients.  In a separate bowl mix together the wet ingredients.  Mix together dry and wet ingredients together.  Fold in the blueberries.
  2. Heat griddle on medium heat, allow batter to rest while heating.  
  3. Pour 1/4 cup batter per pancake, 3 - 4 minutes per side, or until desired doneness.
  4. Top with peanut butter, apple sauce or syrup.  

Steel Cut Oatmeal in Jars

I got this recipe from my sister-in-law.  This makes a week's worth of oatmeal that easy to pull out of the fridge, heat up in the microwave and go!  Here's a link to the recipe.  Feel free to add your favorite oatmeal goodies to it.

Greek Protein Yogurt

  • 1 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1/2 to 1 scoop protein powder (adjust amount used to your preference, powders that dissolve better work the best)
  • Granola or Chia Seeds, cinnamon, berries, or whatever else you like in your yogurt.
  • Local honey (about 1 tsp, optional)
Mix ingredients together and adjust ingredient amounts to your taste preference. 

Written by: Crystal Warren, Representative for Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  To find our more, visit, email or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)
Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS
*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.*

Thursday, October 4, 2012

TTC Thursdays

Hi my name is Lauren Williams and I'm going to be blogging on Thursdays about my personal experiences with taking Pregnitude.  First some background information on me. I have PCOS and have been trying to conceive for 8 years and  5 months.  In that time, we have had 1 miraculous pregnancy which devastatingly ended in our son being stillborn. The PCOS symptoms I currently experience are:
  • Infertility
  • Anovulation
  • Irregular periods - can go for months without a period
  • Much lighter menstrual flow than when younger, it was very heavy when I was younger
  • Extreme fatigue & lack of energy
  • Weight gain more in waist than hips
  • Difficulty losing weight even with healthy eating & exercise (Have not been able to lose any of the weight from my pregnancy and it's been 20 months)
  • Hair loss
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Excess hair growth on face, chest & stomach
  • Acne
  • Anxiety & Depression which I take anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication to control
My only pregnancy was conceived with Clomid since I don't ovulate and since our loss, we have been using Clomid again with no success.  I just finished another unsuccessful cycle of Clomid on Monday and started my period and started Pregnitude. I've only been on Pregnitude 2.5 days now, but I would like to share my personal experiences with it and share my journey of Pregnitude with you.  So far, all I can report on is I've had diarrhea but I also had that on Clomid as well, plus I have been sick this week, so it could be from that, I will update next week once I feel better.  I was very nervous to start the Pregnitude as it is still so new but I did a lot of research on myo-inositol to see how it had helped others & when I read the research it really gave me hope.  I was nervous to stop Clomid as I know it makes me ovulate & I don't know yet what will happen when I take Pregnitude, but the side effects of the Clomid were wearing me out & I am pretty close to maxing out my use of Clomid, so it was time for a change.  I look forward to what may happen as I continue on this journey.

*Disclaimer: Please note that Pregnitude is an official sponsor of Power Up for PCOS 5K.  However, the individual listed below is not affiliated with Pregnitude or a volunteer for Power Up for PCOS.  Power Up for PCOS posted a request for someone starting Pregnitude to blog their personal experiences for the Power Up for PCOS blog.  This should not be construed as medical advice.  Please see your doctor for further information.* 
Written by: Lauren Williams
Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS and their families through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  She can be reached by visiting, emailing or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)

Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS
*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.* 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

After the 5k, Keeping Motivated

For those of you who participated in Power Up for PCOS' 5k last weekend, thank you SO much for your support!  What a great way to go out into our community and not only get some physical exercise, but also to show support and bring awareness to the PCOS community.  It was great talking with other women at the 5k, fun to wear the shirts and see others talk about it as we were walking or running.  It is even greater hearing stories after our 5k of women who didn't know our group existed and have been struggling with PCOS for years.  These women now have a place to turn to gain education and support from those who understand what they are going through.

I just want to encourage you to continue exercising regularly and find a way to fit physical activity into your schedule.  Whether you continue training for 5k's, go walking regularly with a friend (or your dog!), or just sit down and schedule out your exercise times each week.  Taking that first step and finding what works for you is super important if you want to keep it up in the long-run. Here's a great website I found to search for races in your area.  Just type in your zip code, select the type of race you're looking for and hit search.  This just might be the type of motivation you need to reach your next fitness goal.  Good luck!

Written by: Crystal Warren, Representative for Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research.  To find our more, visit, email or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)
Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS
*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.*

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Beautiful You with LeAnne

Even if you firmly believe in eating and living organically, it may be hard to live that lifestyle completely if you're battling with PCOS. There's Metformin for insulin resistance and diabetes, birth control to help regulate periods, Vaniqua to help get rid of unsightly facial hair, hydroquinone to help fade dark spots related to acanthosis nigricans, spironolactone to help reduce inflammation in the scalp.... The list is overwhelming, but in order to give ourselves a fighting chance of having normal, attractive looks, we keep using all the medications, thinking there's no hope. And that's the truth, right?.....Not necessarily. I am not a doctor, nor am I a related medical professional, so I can not and will not discourage you from taking what your doctor has prescribed. But I am here to show you there may be a better, natural, more beneficial and life-changing way. And that is essential oils. Essential oils are known as nature's living energy. They are aromatic liquids found in shrubs, flowers, plants, leaves, trees, roots, bushes and seeds. But they are known for far more than just their aroma. Their benefits are literally almost countless. And because they are so potent and powerful, they can naturally and powerfully enhance your natural beauty, health and vitality. Though there are literally hundreds of essential oils in the world, there are those more commonly used for everyday living AND can be especially beneficial for a woman with PCOS. Allow me to introduce them to you. The Power Of Ten: The First Five 1. Clary Sage: Extracted from the Clary Sage plant, this oil produces relaxation in a gentle, effective manner when applied to the wrists. It is known to produce the regeneration of skin cells, which keeps the skin looking youthful and radiant. Clary sage can treat dandruff and, when applied as a scalp massage, it can help produce hair growth and minimize hair loss. 2. Geranium Oil: This oil is a surefire way to help your hair grow fast! It's benefits are endless, like many other oils, but apply a few drops of this to your shampoo, and it promotes a healthy scalp, allowing it to breathe, and gives strength to every strand of hair. You can also apply a few drops to your fingers, then gently massage your scalp for about five minutes before going to bed. 3. Cypress: Cypress oil is a natural astringent. It helps firm and tone the skin, and improve skins elasticity (very helpful in reversing the damage of PCOS on the skin's surface). Cypress oil is also known to be helpful during the menstrual cycle. Mixing a little bit of it with olive oil and rubbing it on the stomach and pelvic area significantly reduces cramping. 4. Lavender Oil: One of the most popular oils in the world, Lavender's greatest benefit is it's ability to soothe, calm, and ease aching muscles. It's also known to aid in treated various skin conditions, including eczema, skin discoloration and acne. Add a few droplets to your bath water and ease into a soothing, moisturizing, and aromatic heaven. 5. Peppermint Oil: This oil is the absolute best, along with tea tree oil, in increasing circulation and blood flow in the scalp. It helps create a fertile ground for hair to grow. Since it's too strong to use on it's own, it's best to add this to a base oil, like extra virgin olive or coconut oil. It's also known to help ease aching muscles, especially in the back, knees, and ankles. For hair, add it to yourshampoo or conditioner, and for skin, add it to another oil or your regular moisturizer. You'll be so glad you did! Next week, we'll cover the remaining five oils and include a few super-amazing beauty recipes that give wonderful and instant benefits! Please Note: I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, or medically trained professional. I am not qualified to give out any emotional or medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog. For help, I advise you to seek a medical professional.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hooray for the 5K! Thank you!

Whoop! Whoop!

     I don't know what you were doing this past Saturday morning, but I was walking in a 5K for Power Up for PCOS here in AZ with my friends!  Men, women, boys, girls, and even babies in strollers were all a part of this world-wide event to bring awareness and support to women with PCOS and their families!

     What an awesome time of friendship, excitement, and support as we came together, linked arms, and showed the world that PCOS will not mean the end of our hopes and dreams!  Together, we are making a difference in providing funding for PCOS research, education for women with PCOS, and a deeper commitment to ourselves and each other!
     We are thankful for each one of you that laced up your shoes, took to the streets, and became a sea of teal.  May the support for Power Up for PCOS/InCyst continue to grow more and more each year!

     You are doing it - we are doing it!!  Together we are Powering Up for PCOS!

See ya around Facebook!

Gina Weeks, AZ Volunteer Representative for Power Up for PCOS

Written by: Gina Weeks, AZ Representative for Power Up for PCOS which provides support to women with PCOS through educational Power Up Groups, building connections with other PCOS women, calendar of upcoming PCOS events, professional referrals and reviews, PCOS store, and other specialized events to raise money for PCOS research. To find our more, visit, email or by calling 810-545-PCOS (7267)

Power Up for PCOS - emPowering Women to Manage PCOS

*Please note that I am not a medical professional. I am not qualified to give out any medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.*