Monday, March 12, 2012

Power Up for PCOS Wellness Hunt - Week Two!

It's another week - and another opportunity to Power Up for PCOS and start week two of our community Wellness Hunt!

This week our focus will be on finding things to add to our Mental Wellness as women with PCOS!

Here are some ideas to help you add in some healthy mental wellness habits the next five days:

  1. Get a book from the library to learn more about PCOS
  2. Attend a seminar/group to connect with other women who deal with PCOS - or just get more active in reaching out on our Power Up for PCOS community page
  3. Look here to learn if a Power Up Group is located near you - or consider joining our Cyster's Circle network to start one in your area and be on our mailing list
  4. Do something to help you relax (read a book, practice self-care, take a power nap, get a massage)
  5. Have a good belly laugh daily - watch something fun, go attend a live stand-up show, or just get together with your girlfriends and let your hair down as you giggle like schoolgirls together
  6. Let go of unhealthy habits and negative thinking  ( they will drag you down!)
  7. Embrace trying something new (journaling/writing, pursue a hobby, set aside time to dream big dreams)
  8. Reach out to others in your community and nurture your friendships
  9. Ask for help from others and seek medical help if you suspect you need help in dealing with depression and/or your levels of anxiety
  10. Realize that perfection isn't attainable and just aim to do your daily best!  (This is a hard one for me sometimes!)
Your list this week may have different items and a different focus, but I want to encourage you to do whatever your heart tells you to do to obtain a week of focusing on mental wellness for yourself!

By the end of this week, my hope is that you have gotten a few moments out of the week where you have focused on taking care of yourself, especially in the area of mental wellness.

Whatever you decide to do to build Mental Wellness in yourself the next five days, we'd like to hear about it and even see your pictures on our Facebook Page!  There is no right or wrong way to do this Challenge - but this week we will be working and encouraging each other to put the pieces together to add to our Mental Wellness!  

Hope you join me!  See you around Facebook!

P.S. - If you haven't RSVP'd to this event, you can join us here, but it isn't necessary to join the event to join us for the FUN!

1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to research PCOS and healthier eating lately to help with weight loss. I just purchased the Natural Diet for PCOS and Infertility (although I'm not aiming to get pregnant). It is a lot of material to read through, but I'm looking forward to working on my health.
