Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Beautiful You with LeAnne

In today's world, beauty is paid for. Lips are plumped. Tummies are tucked. Breasts are enlarged. Butts are lifted. And skin is chemically peeled. Yes, beauty is indeed paid for, but not earned. Since one of my deepest and most desperate passions is discovering and uncovering natural beauty (in myself and others), it's pretty overwhelming to see how many of us don't see the value. Do we dare to be bare? I recently read a 10 year old article that detailed the amount of money the beauty industry makes in a year. Makeup is $18 billion dollars; skin care is $24 billion; hair care products is $38 billion; and perfumes is $15 billion. That's $95 billion dollars a year! Keep in mind that was nearly ten years ago and, at that time, they predicted each industry would experience a yearly increase of 7%....every year. But ask yourself this: How many of those $95 billion dollar products are chemically made? How many of those chemically made products are we putting in our hair and on our skin? Before you answer, remember that the skin is the body's largest organ and that it absorbs almost everything we put into it....even toxins! Of course we know that most products on the market is safe, but what if you could find a cheaper, more natural way to attain the promises these products make? No side effects, no toxins, no hungry wallet. Just youthful, radiant skin; thick, long, voluptuous hair and a beauty so out of this world that you're stopping traffic long before you even get out of bed! That's the power of natural beauty! The symptoms of PCOS will be a thing of the past when you learn how to obtain our own God-given beauty. And you won't have to buy it! Want to know how? Lean in close because I've got two words for you: Essential oils. It's possible you've heard of these wonderful liquid golds, but it's time to educate you on their ever-amazing benefits. What are they? Essential oils are highly concentrated aromatic (chief ingredients) of plants from around the world. They are extracted directly from various plant parts including roots, flowers, fruits, leaves and woods. They are 100% pure and, when used correctly, can absolutely transform your beauty and health. There are SO many ways to use these oils. You can diffuse them into the air, to your bath water, or even add them to your shampoo, conditioners and moisturizers. Over the next ten weeks, I'll be educating you on the most common and beneficial oils. They can help in everything from growing healthy and strong hair, treating skin conditions, and even aiding in weight loss. Be amazed and be transformed by your own natural beauty the essential way! Stay tuned for next week's first showcase of the benefits of essential oil called "The Power of Ten".

 Please note that I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist or trained counselor. I am not qualified to give out any emotional or medical advice. I am a woman with PCOS who is sharing my personal experiences in this blog and I advise you to consult a professional.

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